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Oil Bottle Messages
Spritzer/Essence Bottle Messages

What is Colour Mirrors?

Colour Mirrors is the system White Lightning Communications uses to start the journey of branding and design -  to build the foundation for the creation of your unique brand story.

Your personal soul colours (AKA your CEO colours) are found inside your name and birthdate. This information gives you insights into how you can use the colour ray you were born with to your advantage as a business owner.

Your business’ soul colours are found inside your business name and its inception date. These energies give you insight into how your business can impact the world in your area of expertise.

Combined, these two stories add much insight into how you remove blocks, amplify gifts and ultimately … build the business of your dreams.

I am your translator on this journey, interpreting the messages Colour Mirrors system provides. I use my knowledge of the energy and psychology of colour to help you identify, analyze and transform areas of your life and business that no longer work for you.

Because the bottles have a direct effect on your energy bodies and bypass your conscious mind, they support you in clearing issues you may have been blocking or resisting on some level.

The system also encourages you to recognize areas of potential, growth and empowerment in  business and personal realms.

What is colour therapy?

Colour was recognized as a powerful form of therapy in most ancient civilizations, including Ancient Greece, China, India and the healing temples of light and colour in Heliopolis in Egypt.

Colour continues to be used therapeutically in many ways and is unique in that it can be combined with virtually any other form of healing or therapy. Here are some examples of how colour may be used as therapy to support your business and personal success:

  • In tinctures (water charged and energized with specific colours and sunlight)

  • Through the healing power of crystals

  • By connecting with the beauty of nature, extracting essences from flowers, herbs and plants

  • Through the psychology and language of colour, helping you to understand yourself and others

  • Through the use of coloured energy on the body or chakra

Colour Mirrors combines all of the above to create a power pack of healing. 

Interested in learning how to become a certified colour and numerology practitioner? Add additional income and stand out in your area of expertise by incorporating Colour Mirrors into your business.

How the bottles work…

From the magnificent range of coloured bottles (Oil Bottles) (Spritzer Bottles) you will often notice that particular bottles seem to look brighter than the others or draw your focus in some way. Each bottle has its own meaning, its own “note” or vibration, and you will be attracted to some and not others. As you will discover, your choices have much to reveal to you.

Combining colour with numerology is where the magic really begins when creating your brand story. Locked inside your birthday, your name, your company name and inception date - are hints to building the life and business of your dreams.

In this system, the top (oil) fraction of each bottle relates to what resides in your conscious awareness. The bottom (water) fraction indicates the patterns that lie in your subconscious – the hidden programming in your cells that you might have inherited through the family gene pool or taken on as beliefs/fears since birth.

Releasing blocks can be a long and difficult process, using colour in a bath, meditation or in your auric field/spaces is a much gentler and enjoyable method of energetic therapy.

Book a free discovery call to see which of my services would be most beneficial for you.

Working with the bottles

OIL BOTTLES: (Oil Bottles)
We usually suggest that you use a bottle over a three-week period but this is only a guide, and you will benefit from following your inner guidance as to how much to work with and over what time-frame.

Many people find that pouring the whole bottle into the bath at once makes for the swiftest and deepest shift. Others prefer to engage with the bottle over a long time frame or take things more slowly. There are no right or wrong ways to use them. Follow your guidance and trust the process, and know that you can always ask if you have questions about the usage of the bottles.

Spritzer/Essence Bottles: (Spritzer Bottles)

Spritz these essences into your auric field, spaces or bath as support for physical, emotional and spiritual concerns.

Although these bottles seem innocent enough, they are a powerful healing tool and it is not recommended to purchase or use them without having had a colour energy consultation first. Book your session here:

Choose a bottle.

Notice which of the coloured oils you are most drawn to.

Choose a bottle.

Notice which of the coloured essences you are most drawn to.  

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